The Government of Nepal has decided to allow passenger flights to and from China, Turkey, and Qatar. The decision to this effect to be implemented from June 1. Likewise, regularly scheduled flights to India will be resume. All the passengers coming from these destinations, however, have to provide their negative PCR test report obtained within 72 hours before departure. Likewise, passengers entering Nepal after receiving a complete dose of the Covid-19 vaccine would be allowed to stay in the home quarantine for ten days.
The same quarantine rule applies to those with a negative report. However, in case of travels that have received only one dose of vaccine and have Covid-19 negative report obtained within 72 hours of departure, the government has designated specific hotels in Kathmandu where they will have to quarantine themselves for three days at their own expenses.
Furthermore, those that have not received any vaccine, with a negative report will have to quarantine themselves in the aforementioned designated hotels for ten days.

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